Use the Settings > General tab to specify some of the basic definitions for your website.
Title - The title of your website, typically displayed in the browser tab title when pointed to your website’s homepage.
Description - A description of your website - used by the search engine trawlers and displayed as part of search results in a search engine.
Copyright - Your website’s copyright statement. Typically displayed as part of your website’s footer.
Android Notification Style - If your website uses an Android app to push content to readers, Roll-up option groups all the notifications from your website into a single notification in the user’s android device. The Individual option displays separate notifications for each push message on the device.
Instant Articles Ad - Auto placed & First - When you have configured your Facebook Instant Articles page, Facebook provides you a URL. Place that here.You can set the same on Facebookitself now.
Additional URLs for Sitemap -See here for more on the Sitemap.
Release Notes: 11th November 2019:
Side-Wrap, Sidebar And Action-Bar
We have redesigned the way you navigate the pages on editor. The whole idea is to allow you to easily access the same on mobile devices too. With this change we are one step closer to make your favourite editor mobile friendly.
Side wrap & Sidebar
- Side wrap is the list of the first level items, represented using Icons. All feature pages in Bold is expected to have this bar on the left side (assuming the default is L to R).
- Clicking on side wrap, another bar will appear, as an overlay, on the right side of the side wrap and it contains the list of child items.
- Any navigation from the sidebar (level 2) to next level (level 3 to n) won't create a new sidebar but instead will repopulate the content inside the sidebar. For all sub-level sidebar, It is mandatory to have "back to parent" button.
- Clicking outside of the sidebar will close the action.

Action Bar
- The main area of every feature page contains a feature-container and may contain an action bar.
- The purpose of the Action Bar is to provide user access to actions/tasks that s(he) can perform while using that particular content. Action Bar provides access to "list of action", Sidebar is for navigating the items.
- Action Bar is considered as part of the page, and not as an overlay. And for the same reason, it has Expand Collapse option. The expansion and collapse will affect the size of feature-container (and is not an overlay)
- The action bar is in no way related to Sidebar.
Bold Release Note - 1 Jul 2020:
Mandrill Template for Verification Emails:
The Mandrill Template for Verification Emails can now be set using Settings > Integrations > Mandrill
Bold Release Note - 18 Mar 2021
Apple OAuth Login using Quintype's User Authentication Service
Apple Login is now available as a login provider in Quintype's user Authentication service Login endpoints. You can now make use of this service to implement Apple Login on your Apple mobile apps.
API documentationavailable here.
Google One-Tap Login using Quintype's User Authentication Service
Quintype's Authentication service now offers Google's One-tap login.
Documentation available here.
Bold Release Note - 20 Aug 2021
Consumer search and download list
Search for, filter and download a list of the consumers from Bold.
Consumers are available on Bold to those publisher websites that use Quintype's Authentication service Bridgekeeper for authenticating website-users or subscribers.