Images, Videos and Audio file sizes

Written By Rachana TR ()

Updated at June 9th, 2023

What is a good recommended image size in Bold?
Google recommends a minimum 1200 pixels width as mentioned for content to appear in Google Discover. Available here.

What is the maximum file size for an image?
There is no restriction on the image file size or dimension. However, we do not recommend image sizes beyond 8192x8192 pixels.

What are the types of image files allowed in the CMS (eg Jpg, png) - Also, please advise on the preferred type of image for the CMS (to get the best output on FE)
Bold allows any input format of the image mime type i.e., image/* . The comprehensive list is provided here. However, the recommended file types are: JPEG, PNG, WebP, TIFF, GIF, SVG, HEIF, and AVIF.
Out of these, the WebP format is the most modern format and our infrastructure is optimized to serve images of this type.

Are Cr2, . NFS files accepted?
No. Neither of these is supported.

Are video files accepted? what is the maximum file size allowed for video files?
For a publisher's audience to consume Video files, they are typically uploaded to video sharing/exchanging platforms such as Youtube, Vidible, Dailymotion, Brightcove and are then included in Bold by pasting the JS embed or the video URL in the Embed element.

Are audio files accepted? what is the maximum file size allowed for audio files?
For a publisher's audience to consume Audio files, they are typically uploaded to audio sharing/exchanging platforms such as Soundcloud etc, and are then included in Bold by pasting the JS embed or the audio URL in the Embed element.

Can Gifs be uploaded directly on CMS? What is the maximum file size allowed for video files?
(in the provided examples, the writers had tried to add the Gifs as links using JS embed. The issue is when the user hovers over the gif, there are options showing up. This is due to Giphy Link - which is the editorial team wants to upload the gifs directly)
Gifs can be uploaded by drag-drop on an image element, just as any other image is uploaded in Bold.