Photo Story

Written By Rachana TR ()

Updated at June 23rd, 2023

A photo story in Quintype provides a template to add multiple photos in a single story, like a photo essay. Images can be selected from your Media Library, or uploaded from your computer. Note that the image you upload will be added to the Media Library. Quintype supports almost all the common image formats, with the exception of .SVG files.

Like all other stories, you can add other story element types to a photo story. Other story elements can reside on the same card as the photo content, or on different cards.

When adding pictures, note that you can either simply stack images one below the other in a story or create a carousel of images (aka gallery), provided the administrator has enabled this option on your website. Administrators can enable this by going to Admin > Configure > General Tab > Story Elements > Image Gallery, and switching on the Image Gallery element.

When using the Photo Story template, note that your story must contain at least one photo/image before it can be moved to the next stage in the story workflow.