My Profile

Click on your profile to make changes to your name and communication email ID .

Written By Rachana TR ()

Updated at July 15th, 2023

Enhance Your Online Presence with My Profile's Customization Features!

Unleash the power of personalization by utilizing the remarkable capabilities of My Profile. Take charge of your online identity and make a lasting impression by effortlessly modifying essential details, such as your name, communication email ID, and social profiles. 

To access the settings for Users and Roles, follow these steps:

1. Go to the settings menu and select "Users and Roles."

2. Locate your email address or click on the Avatar image located in the top right corner of the page. From the dropdown menu, choose "My Profile."

3. In the profile settings, you will find various editable fields. The specific list of fields that can be edited may vary depending on your organization's configuration.

4. If you wish to update your profile picture, click on "Update Avatar" and proceed to upload an image of your choice.

5. Once you have made the desired changes, remember to click "Save" to save your updated profile information.

Note: Communication Email is used for notification when one of your stories is published, and cannot be used to reset passwords.

Bold Release Notes: 30 January 2020:
Allow your users to update their Profile Image and Name

Bold Release Note - 1 Jul 2020:
Renewed User/Author creation UX

You can refer to the Login and Roles documentation here and how to create a user account here.