How to integrate Google Ad Manager with Page Builder

Written By Rachana TR (Administrator)

Updated at November 15th, 2023


Prerequisites: A Google Ad Manager account should be created at

Setting up Google Ad Manager

We have to follow a sequence of steps to set up the integration between Google Ad Manager and Page Builder. 

There are 4 important steps in the setup:

1. Create a new Ad unit.

2. Create a new order.

3. Create a line item.

4. Create a creative.

Let's go through each step in detail:

Creating a New Ad Unit

In Quintype, we have specific names mapped for ad units to ensure that ads serve properly on Quintype's platform. Here's how you can create/upload an ad unit:

1. Go to Ad Manager.

2. Click on "Inventory".

3. Click on "Ad Units".

4. Click on "New Ad Unit".

5. Add the details such as name, select size as Fixed size, and enter the size as ad unit of leaderboard, super leaderboard, or billboard as per the provided table.

6. Check the "Adsense" box if you want to render ads from AdSense.

7. If you don't want to create ad units manually, you can upload the provided CSV file.


Creating a New Order

After creating/uploading the ad unit, you need to create a new order in Ad Manager. Follow these steps:

1. Go to Ad Manager.

2. Click on "Delivery".

3. Click on "Orders".

4. Create a new order.

5. Add new line items and creatives to the order.

Creating a Line Item

To create a line item, follow these steps:

1. Go to the order you just created.

2. Click on "New Line Item".

3. Select the ad type from Display or Video/Audio.

4. Enter the name of the line item and select the line item type as "Sponsorship".

5. Add the size of expected creatives.

6. Select the start and end time of the ads.

7. Under the "Add Targeting" section, click on "Custom Targeting" and select the publisher ID by adding the publisher ID value.

8. Save the changes.

Note: To get Customer targeting details such as Publisher ID, Targeting ID etc in the Line item, you need to create “Key Value”.

Steps to Create Key Value:

  1. Go to Ad Manager> Inventory> Key-values.
  2. Click on “New Key-value” as shown in below image:
  3. Add name, display name and click on save to save the changes. Please note that name of key-value doesn’t support any special characters.
  4. You can create Targeting Value either while creating Key Value or while selecting custom targeting in the Line item.

Uploading Creatives

Now, it's time to upload the creatives for the line item. Here's how you can do it:

1. Go to the Creatives tab.

2. Click on "New Creative".

3. Select the creative type from the available options.

4. Add the name and upload the image.

5. Add the click-through URL.

6. Click on "Save and Preview".

Note: Make sure the images you add have the same size as the selected ad size.

Approving the Order

Once the creative is created, go back to the Orders tab and click on "Approve" to move the status of the order from Draft to Ready.

Adding the Network ID in Page Builder

To ensure smooth rendering of ads, you need to add the network ID of Ad Manager in Page Builder. Here's how you can find and add the network ID:

1. Click on "Admin" from the left-hand side in Ad Manager.

2. Click on "Global Settings".

3. Navigate to the "Network Settings" tab.

4. Look for a number under "Network Code". This is the network ID.

To add the network ID in Page Builder:

1. Go to Settings.

2. Click on "General Settings".

3. Go to the "Manage" tab.

4. Add the network ID under "DFP Network ID".

5. Save and publish the changes.

And there you have it! You have successfully integrated Google Ad Manager into Page Builder.

Defining an Ad Slots in Page Builder.

To target ads for PB publishers, the first step is to define an ad unit slot in Page Builder. This can be done on either the Home page or the story page. Here's how you can do it:

1. Go to Page Builder.

2. Navigate to the Home page or story page where you want to insert an ad slot.

3. Click on the "+" icon.

4. From the left-hand side "Layouts" dropdown, select "Ads".

5. Select the type of ad unit or ad dimension such as leaderboard, super leaderboard, billboard, or custom.

For more information on the Ad slots, please go to