One signal integration

Written By Rachana TR ()

Updated at July 29th, 2023

OneSignal is a highly popular and comprehensive platform that provides push notification service for mobile apps and websites. It allows developers and businesses to engage with their users in real-time through notifications, thus enhancing user experience. 

OneSignal enables app and website owners to send push notifications to their users' devices. These notifications can be personalized and targeted based on user behavior, preferences, and segmentation, ensuring that users receive relevant and timely messages.

Please follow below steps to login to One signal:
1. Open your web browser and navigate to the OneSignal website (
2. Log in to your OneSignal account using your registered email ID and password.
3. Once logged in, you will be directed to the dashboard. Click on "New App/Website" to create a new app or website integration.
4. Provide a name for your app or website in the designated field.
5. Choose "Web" as the platform for your integration.
6. Click on "Next: Configure your Platform" to proceed.

Web configuration 

1. Select "Integration" as “Typical Site.”
2. Under "Site Setup," enter the site name and the URL of your website
3. In the "Permission Prompt Setup" section, click on "Add Prompt." Select "Push Prompt" as the prompt type, choose the subscription bell as the style, and then click “Done.”
4. Scroll down the page and click on "Save" and then "Finish."

Next, navigate to "Keys and IDs" in the OneSignal dashboard. Copy the "App ID" and "API Key" displayed there.

In bold, go to your website's settings and select the "Integrations" section. Click on “Push Notification. ”Select "Add Integration" and then choose "OneSignal." Enter the previously copied "API Key" and "App ID," and then click "Save."

Now, access Page Builder, and go to “General Settings.” Click on "Manage" and then select “Notifications. ”Toggle the switch to “Enable Notifications. Choose "OneSignal" as the notification type and enter the "OneSignal App ID" that you copied earlier. Save the changes and then publish your website to make the OneSignal integration active for push notifications.